Friday, May 25, 2012

 Someone that is governed more by intellectual decisions than emotional decisions would be a scientist or an engineer.
There are both positive and negative sides to relying more on your intellect than you emotions. If you rely on your intellect, then you will do what is best for you, not what you feel is best for other people. Some people may rely too much on intellectual decisions, making them seem basically emotional.
 It helps to sometimes make emotional decisions because emotions help you feel comfort with other family members and friends.
If you make too many intellectual decisions, then you will most likely be shutting out the people in your life. In some situations following your head is the right thing to do, but you may want to follow your heart because it's what feels right.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Every human being needs companionship or love for survival. One reason companionship is important is because without it, you wouldn't know who the "real" you is. You need other people to shape you and become who you are. Everyone is unique in their own way and you wouldn't be able to feel that uniqueness if there weren't other people around you.

Another reason is loneliness and depression. People need love and companionship with other people to give birth to other children. Our pets would die from the depression of not feeling loved from their owners. Eventually the world would have its own ending of any life.

Lastly, companionship is needed for help and support. It will help with your self confidence and your confidence in others. Without any type of companionship the world would be a very boring place.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Every day, people feel a sense of rejection. One situation where someone may feel rejected is if they ask another person on a date or to prom or something, and they get told no. They may repeatedly ask and still get denied. This would make the person feel as if something may be wrong with them. They may also feel liked they need to change who they are to be "accepted" by people.

Another reason a person may feel rejected is on a sports team. They may try there hardest to make it in whatever it is that they are going out for, and not make the cut. This could make someone feel like they aren't good enough to be who they want or do what they want.

Both of these people may want to change who they are to fit in. Many people have high standards these days of what someone has to look like or act like, and in reality, no one is as perfect as people thin k they should be. Not everyone is attractive and not everyone is good at sports. These people could feel as if people are rejecting them because they aren't "perfect."